Shadowcasting: Growing Your Service Business By Growing Your Reputation


Shadowcasting: Growing Your Service Business By Growing Your Reputation


The physics of light and shadows—Shadowcasting—is at the heart of growing your service business. Shadowcasting helps illustrate how to bring clarity and focus to your business.

Successful Shadowcasting can bring you more clients, cement user loyalty, drive greater revenue, give you more visibility in the marketplace, and enhance public relations.

The connections between your core market, your business, your resulting reputation, and the marketplace—light, object, shadow, and ground—represents the ongoing relationship in which your clients exchange value with your business for the benefits that your offerings ultimately provide.

Shadowcasting isn’t magic and it isn’t marketing mumbo jumbo. It’s a method of identifying and gaining the devotion of your target market, discovering the aspirational aspects of your business’s character, and shepherding your reputation to those who can and will patronize your business.

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